Oracle Applications Upgrade from 12.1.1 to 12.1.3
Oracle Applications Upgrade from
12.1.1 to 12.1.3 (With Database
The below steps outline the step by step actions to upgrade Oracle apps from 12.1.1 to 12.1.3
1)Bring down all the services and Take cold backup of the instance (Suggested)
2) Apply Database Patches
Please check and apply the below database patches.
For all UNIX/Linux platforms
* 7111245
* 7211965
* 7330434
* 7486407
* 7627743
* 7639602
* 7684818
* 8199107
* 8639653
* 8940108
* 9026927
* 9066130
* 9554727
* 9743057
3)For Linux x86-64, patch 7319922 contained within 7684818 was packaged incorrectly.
The new version of patch 7319922 has to be applied. Perform the following instructions:
Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/inventory/oneoffs/7319922 directory.
Run "opatch rollback -id 7319922" to rollback patch 7319922.
Download the new version of patch 7319922 on My Oracle Support.
Go to the patch 7319922 directory.
Run "opatch apply"
4)Modify Initialization Parameters
5)Techstack Upgrade:
A)Verify the 10.1.3.X Oracle Home version and the required version is or higher <Use Document 454811.1> (for ) or <Document 728531.1> (for ) to upgrade it
TO check the versions perform the below
cd $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -detail -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc | egrep 'Oracle Application Server 10g|Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g'
Note: Oracle Application Server 10g signifies the Base Install and
Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g signifies the Patchset on top of it
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -detail -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc | egrep 'Oracle Application Server 10g|Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g'
Oracle Application Server 10g
Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g
B)Verify the 10.1.2.X Oracle Home version and the required version is <Use Document 437878.1 to upgrade it.>
TO check the versions perform the below
Log-out and Re-Login, before performing the following steps.
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -detail -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc | egrep 'Oracle Application Server 10g|Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g'
Note: Oracle Application Server 10g signifies the Base Install
Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g signifies the Patchset on top of it
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -detail -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc | egrep 'Oracle Application Server 10g|Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g'
Oracle Application Server 10g
Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g
6)Applications upgrade
a)Apply R12.AD.B.DELTA.3 <Patch 9239089>
1. Create $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin on the database server.
2. Copy adgrants.sql (UNIX) from this patch directory to $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin.
3. Set the environment to point to ORACLE_HOME on the database server.
4. Use SQL*Plus to run the script:
$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin/adgrants.sql APPLSYS
5. Apply u9239089.drv of the patch using adpatch
b)Apply Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 <Patch 9239090>
Apply u9239090.drv of the patch using adpatch
c)Apply the latest consolidated online help <Patch 9239095>
Apply u9239095.drv of the patch using adpatch
7)Post-Update Steps:
Apply post-install Oracle E-Business Suite Applications Technology patches. (Required)
A) Apply mandatory Patch 9817770 (9817770:R12.ATG_PF.B [POST-R12.ATG_PF.B.DELTA.3 CONSOLIDATED PATCH].)
Apply u9817770.drv of the patch using adpatch
B) Apply mandatory Patch 9966055 (9966055:R12.FND.B [TRANSLATED VERSION OF FNDSCSGN NOT LAUNCHED].)
Apply u9966055.drv of the patch using adpatch
8)Run autoconfig
Application tier:
Run the utility to create the file in the <INST_TOP>/admin/out directory.
$perl $AD_TOP/bin/
Database tier:
Copy or FTP the file to the <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>.
$unzip -o
Run AutoConfig on the Database Node:
$cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts
9)Modify Initialization Parameters and bounce database
remove entry _disable_fast_validate=TRUE
set recyclebin=ON
10) Start Applications and Perform a health check of the instance.
The below steps outline the step by step actions to upgrade Oracle apps from 12.1.1 to 12.1.3
1)Bring down all the services and Take cold backup of the instance (Suggested)
2) Apply Database Patches
Please check and apply the below database patches.
For all UNIX/Linux platforms
* 7111245
* 7211965
* 7330434
* 7486407
* 7627743
* 7639602
* 7684818
* 8199107
* 8639653
* 8940108
* 9026927
* 9066130
* 9554727
* 9743057
3)For Linux x86-64, patch 7319922 contained within 7684818 was packaged incorrectly.
The new version of patch 7319922 has to be applied. Perform the following instructions:
Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/inventory/oneoffs/7319922 directory.
Run "opatch rollback -id 7319922" to rollback patch 7319922.
Download the new version of patch 7319922 on My Oracle Support.
Go to the patch 7319922 directory.
Run "opatch apply"
4)Modify Initialization Parameters
5)Techstack Upgrade:
A)Verify the 10.1.3.X Oracle Home version and the required version is or higher <Use Document 454811.1> (for ) or <Document 728531.1> (for ) to upgrade it
TO check the versions perform the below
cd $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -detail -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc | egrep 'Oracle Application Server 10g|Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g'
Note: Oracle Application Server 10g signifies the Base Install and
Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g signifies the Patchset on top of it
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -detail -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc | egrep 'Oracle Application Server 10g|Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g'
Oracle Application Server 10g
Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g
B)Verify the 10.1.2.X Oracle Home version and the required version is <Use Document 437878.1 to upgrade it.>
TO check the versions perform the below
Log-out and Re-Login, before performing the following steps.
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -detail -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc | egrep 'Oracle Application Server 10g|Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g'
Note: Oracle Application Server 10g signifies the Base Install
Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g signifies the Patchset on top of it
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -detail -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc | egrep 'Oracle Application Server 10g|Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g'
Oracle Application Server 10g
Patch of Oracle Application Server 10g
6)Applications upgrade
a)Apply R12.AD.B.DELTA.3 <Patch 9239089>
1. Create $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin on the database server.
2. Copy adgrants.sql (UNIX) from this patch directory to $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin.
3. Set the environment to point to ORACLE_HOME on the database server.
4. Use SQL*Plus to run the script:
$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin/adgrants.sql APPLSYS
5. Apply u9239089.drv of the patch using adpatch
b)Apply Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 <Patch 9239090>
Apply u9239090.drv of the patch using adpatch
c)Apply the latest consolidated online help <Patch 9239095>
Apply u9239095.drv of the patch using adpatch
7)Post-Update Steps:
Apply post-install Oracle E-Business Suite Applications Technology patches. (Required)
A) Apply mandatory Patch 9817770 (9817770:R12.ATG_PF.B [POST-R12.ATG_PF.B.DELTA.3 CONSOLIDATED PATCH].)
Apply u9817770.drv of the patch using adpatch
B) Apply mandatory Patch 9966055 (9966055:R12.FND.B [TRANSLATED VERSION OF FNDSCSGN NOT LAUNCHED].)
Apply u9966055.drv of the patch using adpatch
8)Run autoconfig
Application tier:
Run the utility to create the file in the <INST_TOP>/admin/out directory.
$perl $AD_TOP/bin/
Database tier:
Copy or FTP the file to the <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>.
$unzip -o
Run AutoConfig on the Database Node:
$cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts
9)Modify Initialization Parameters and bounce database
remove entry _disable_fast_validate=TRUE
set recyclebin=ON
10) Start Applications and Perform a health check of the instance.